
Monday, August 13, 2001

Reaons I Hate You

I'm not feeling particularly emo today, just pissed. I'm not sure why it hits me in spasms, but I have a few things to say. I don't feel this angry all the time, in fact it's so rare that I have to blog about it when the feelings set in, just so I can look back and remind myself of them.

Why do I hate you, let me count the ways...and by hate, I'm not saying a deep, integral grudge that I've had for years, no, you aren't that important. You haven't effected me inside enough to have a high ranking on my hate-o-meter. I hate you like an annoying bug that bites me and I just can't find it long enough to swat it. I really need to just smack you senseless in hopes that you grow a brain.

#1. You said you were going to be my friend. Now, I don't know about you, but my friends are people who stick around, who actually want to spend time with me of their own accord and who I can share deep meaningful conversations with instead of shallowly discussing the weather and your health.

#2. You are unaware of the world around you. You seriously are. You have no concept of anyone else but yourself. When we talk it is always about you. You've never asked me about my life, how I am feeling, what's going on, it is always and very consistently about you. I didn't mind it at first, but really...don't you get bored being so narcissistic?

#3. My friends are usually smarter than me. And seriously it's true, I mean, they knew not to like you earlier than I did, doesn't that show everything? My friends are people that add to my life, improving it just by their presence, instead of putting me on pins and needles almost immediately. I find myself wondering if there is any depth in you at all. After our last conversation, I realize there isn't.

#4. You are not the person I'm looking for. I don't even have to use a Jedi mind-trick to acknowledge this. We lack almost any commonality. The only thing we can discuss are things that you like, otherwise, you just get offended.

#5. You don't value me at all. Not as a person, not as a friend and not as a woman. You use religion as an excuse for our differences, a religion you don't even live up to, how hypocritical of you. Our relationship/friendship/acquaintance or whatever the hell it is, gives you all the advantages and me absolutely none of them. You understand women less than you understand friendship, and that's saying a lot. You are the most expensive friend I have, your cost is high but the return to me is almost nothing.

I would say come back when you grow up, but I don't see that happening before I die. Find some other girl who is more insecure than you are (if that's possible) and maybe she'll get something worthwhile out of you. It definitely won't be your charming personality.