Here I am again, happily blogging about the crazy stuff that happens to me. Again, I have to blame this on my completely dead dating life and total lack of male interaction - but I had this crazy dream last night / this morning.
Just a little bit of history about me. Because I've been married before and have had a fair amount of joyful foreplay and afterplay I think I'm pretty accustomed to missing what I don't have. Due to this I'm guessing my subconscious is trying to make up for it...thus I'm having really sexy dreams involving some very unexpected characters.
About a month ago and had a super steamy dream about Professor Lupin, who I had never considered attractive, but obviously my crazy subconscious did, and after we messed around for a bit, I really woke up to the fact that I find that guy pretty dang hot. Of course, the dream was shattered after I woke up and did my research, finding out he's dating an absolutely beautiful woman and has a four year old daughter - totally ruined my fantasy. I can't fantasize about him now knowing he's really happy with some model-looking chick. If he was single, I'm sure he would have been a reoccuring character in my mind.
So, since that unexpected disappointment, I happily start dreaming about Julian Bashir, from DS9 (for all those star trek fans out there). Yeah, I'll fess up. When I was like 14 I really thought Bashir was a real hotty, don't know why, just fell for his dark hair and innocent "I'm a doctor not a (fill in the blank here) schtick. Anyway, I was happily enjoying my dream that involved a few moments of sheep eyes between myself and Bashir, (and strangely also involved him doing surgery on a baby bunny (what a great guy) and Miley Cyrus (who I don't approve of) showing up for dinner, what can I say I have crazy dreams). Anyway, right when Bashir and I are about to head outside for some "star gazing" (yes that is in air quotes) My real life little brother slams some door in the house while getting ready for work and totally pulls me out of my very enjoyable slumber.
I have two options, wake up and just bask in the few memories of Bashir and I staring longingly into each other's eyes or....
Take over and direct the dream myself.
Of course I decide to direct the dream. For those of you who've been woken up unexpectedly in the middle of a great dream (and I mean Tony the Tiger GRRRREAT!) it's always a good idea to try to see if you can keep the magic going with just a little conscious influence.
Unfortunately for me, after laying back down and re-starting my dream, apparently my conscious was a lot more excited than my subconscious, and kept on making things go a lot faster than they normally would. Before I knew it I was half way to a nude scene outside on a trampoline (which was colder than it sounds, but I do enjoy my trampolines).
Before I knew it the relationship was going far too fast for me. I started worrying about where it was going to go, how we were going to stay together, what if he was from California and only got weekends off etc. and really hoping Miley wasn't peeking through the kitchen windows (you have to keep the R rated down for the kids). *Sigh* Before I knew it, I had completely confused Bashir with all my concerns and he actually stopped to get dressed. We had to end the relationship because we I really didn't know where it was going and I didn't want to give up all the candy without some sort of reassurance for later, and he just seemed confused and ready to try elsewhere.
Even in my dreams I'm a failure! :(
Resolution #2:
Bashir is single in real life *wink*
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