
Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Thoughtless Thoughts

  I can't help it. Sometimes I like to wear sunglasses while driving down the road at 70mph with a large cup of Chai Noggin' in one hand, texting people about their PE teachers in the other.  Add to that singing Because of You as loud as I can and thinking about how much it reminds me of my mom.  Screw you mom!  Gah!  No, I'm not a dangerous driver.  I don't have emotional issues.  I no longer honestly believe I'm going insane every day.  It's down to about twice a week.  You have no idea how sane I feel these days, comparatively.
   On a completely different topic, people in my acting class are terrible actors.  I inherently can't bear witnessing cheesy acting or melodrama, but in my acting class I'm surrounded.  The worst part, I'm one of the terrible actors.  Damn, I'm glad I don't watch myself act, it would be substantially embarrassing, especially considering I dislike it so much.  It's actually surprising how much harder acting is than it seems.  Although, for college students it seems to be the memorization. It reminds me of all the things I wanted to memorize but never did - Lucy Maud Montgomery's The Alpine Path, something cool by Shakespeare, The Builders by Longfellow, and that one poem I wrote ten years ago (just kidding, I actually do have that one memorized).  .
    Anyway, what I really wanted to talk about today was Liz Lemon.  Yes, she is a fictional character from 30 Rock on NBC, Thursday nights at 7 EST (sorry, wrong commercial), but she is totally awesome.  I love that she is that hard working female in her thirties that doesn't have it all, doesn't really have any of it actually.  The sad thing about Liz Lemon is she has put aside all of her life to work in a job that she would probably actually love not working at.  Love and Hate.  Isn't it funny how those things go together with so many things?  (Philisophical Tangent #1) Maybe it's because things we hate are actually good for us, or something we get used to and find are easier than risking things we love. Maybe it's fear or emotional issues or terror of what has happened when we tried last time.  Anyway, back to Liz Lemon.

     She isn't a feminist really, she's too sad about being alone, lacking husband and children and a life in general, but she still tries to move forward and get those things after multiple failures.  Her failure is encouraging actually.  Not all of us have to deal with black guys who don't realize they actually work for them or prima donnas that really suck.  No, we have things like making sure we have enough gas money to get to classes and while sitting in class instead of taking notes we start organizing how we are going to get the laundry and dishes done when we get home before our child arrives from school and demands that we help them with their homework.  We all have crazy days and lives and we all wonder what direction our life is going or if its taking us in a direction we never intended and what to do to stop it or if its worth stopping at this point. Questions we really don't know how to answer.  Not even Liz Lemon.
By the way there is this awesome new band called Norwegian Recycling.  Check it out. 
  Oh, and playdates are really strange.  Kinda like the day I was at the hospital and they gave me Jules, and I looked at her and wondered if I could really keep her.  Don't they have to test you to make sure you know what your doing before they hand over a living, breathing child? I don't know who would implement that, not the government certainly because it's none of their damn business, but really, I don't think you can hand over children to 18 -year-olds that you nearly finished off.
    Playdates are like that.  Don't you need to interview the parents before you leave your child with them? My child just expects me and her little friend's mom to have it all figured out and then go playing hand in hand in a matter of minutes.  Ho ho ho, things do not work like that.  I need references, job interviews and credit scores before I let her wander to some foreigner's house.  Then she gets all wound up because I'm not emotionally prepared for her to have a play date.  She doesn't understand the burden that accompanies the constant paranoia of a single mother! Besides she has blonde hair and blue eyes, and I know all the real pyschos target those types of children.
   So school is going super badly.  I don't want to go again. I really don't want to ever again.  I keep telling myself just two more weeks...but really REALLY its more like six more months.  SIX MONTHS!  Then I will be done with the first step of my adult education. I hate it.  I don't really care about Biology, Geology or Stats.  I even have doubts about Photography.  Luckily next semester my classes are in the afternoon and evening, but I don't know if that will actually even help.  Really what do I want to do in my life? *drifting daydream music*........................................................................................................................................

It's too bad in real life people can't see your day dreams like they can on TV.  It would make communication that much easier.  Plus you would know what that daydream music was really sounded like. 

BTW, why is it lukewarm and not someone else warm?  Naomiwarm just doesn't have the same ring to it. Maybe it's cause Luke wrote all that stuff in the Bible so he thought he would put his name in front of a word, redefining it's meaning entirely.  Some people and their Biblical views.   


  1. Are you stoned Omi? lol
    I love your random blurbs.

  2. I'm not sure. Does stoned mean you can't stop the thoughts that keep bombarding your mind? Then yes, I am stoned! :P Actually I just want to see the next episode of Castle already!
